Angel’s Archaeology have been busy during 2021-2022 with projects big and small within the beautiful South Island. Christchurch, Kaikoura, Rakaia, Woodend and Mapua produced interesting residential and commercial sites for archaeological assessments and field work and the work is still ongoing. The installation of Ultra Fast Broadband (Fibre) in Mohua (Golden Bay) for Chorus is one bigger project where Angel Trenfdafilov is involved as Project archaeologist for Pohara and Tata Beach and Section 45 archaeologist for Collingwood. The work is still ongoing for another few months. Amazing Māori archaeology exposed so far from both sides of Takaka hill (check Photos). Evidences from the Gold rush in Collingwood (1850-1860s) are also a possibility in near future. The collaboration with Manawhenua Ki Mohua (in Golden Bay) and Te Arahanga (Mapua) is fantastic and it is always a pleasure to work with their experienced and knowledgeable cultural monitors on site. 2022 will be interesting year with projects already aligned, so watch this space from time to time!