
Taking a Turkish bath in Central Christchurch.

Always positive attitude!
Some good stratigraphy exposed: occupational layer (bottom) , hiatus (the sand above) and midden (shell and charcoal) layer followed by few 20th century road layers. Photo scale: 100 mm increments. Photo from Pōhara, Golden Bay, Ultra Fast Broadband installation for Chorus. Photo taken by Angel Trendafilov.
Hāngī pit (oven).Photo scales: 100 mm increments. Photo from Tata Beach, Golden Bay, Ultra Fast Broadband installation for Chorus. Photo taken by Angel Trendafilov.

Moa lower metatarsus (leg). The preliminary assumption is that this is Anomalopteryx didiformis – small size South Island bush moa or Megalapteryx didinus – also smaller size upland moa predominantly found in alpine and sub-alpine environments. Scale in cm. Photo from Ngaio Reserve, Mapua. Photo taken by Angel Trendafilov.
It is an experience that makes the archaeologist’s work worthy! Two complete adzes were found in situ, in Māori occupational layer in Tata Beach, Golden Bay. Polishing tool, stone flakes from tool manufacturing process and midden material were also present. The adzes were documented and given to Manawhenua ki Mohua – the kaitiaki of Golden Bay (Mohua). What a day! Photos taken by Angel Trendafilov.
Stack between the ages: this ceramic handle is situated between two soil layers from 19th and 20th century in most fascinating way. Christchurch CBD. Scale: 100 mm increments. Photo taken by Angel Trendafilov.
Occupational layer and post hole found at depth of 1.3 – 1.7 m. Radiocarbon dated around 1480-1520. Scales: 100 mm increments. Image from Pōhara taken by Angel Trendafilov.